Stop... Sloper Time

My discontinued sale patterns have arrived!!! I ended up getting 1 Butterick pattern, 1 McCalls pattern, and 4 Kwik Sew patterns. I've only ever bought 2 patterns from Kwik Sew and have yet to try them, but I thought these looked interesting.

I bought 2 different bodysuit patterns from Kwik Sew because I love the hell out of them and want to make my own soon instead of wearing out the one I have.

I also bought a pants pattern and one for (don't laugh) skorts. I had a skort when I was younger and loved it, so I kind of want another one. My husband laughed when he saw this pattern, btw. :)

My Butterick pattern is for a very lovely retro dress with a bow on the back.

Last but not least is the McCalls skirt pattern. It just has a nice look to it.

So hopefully soon I can finish my 'class' and start working on something new. I actually made the skirt sloper last night with our new measurements, which weren't much different from the first set. But I'll be damned if the darts don't look great this time. That was the only part that looked crappy last time; the damn dart placement. So that gives me a lot of hope for the bodice sloper that I shall be attempting tonight. Here is my skirt sloper draft.

And from that we trace just the outside and important lines to get our final sloper, which I will then be transferring to some thick ass paper that I borrowed from momma. That way I can have a perfect sloper copy that I can hopefully use over and over. They also gave out a great tip. You keep the waist line on your skirt sloper because if you ever put in a zipper, they said that you need to make it 2 inches below your waist line to fit properly. Good to know...


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