Do You Wear Menswear?

Like it or not, the spring 2015 fashion scene is peppered with menswear on women. If its done right, I personally like it. I'm not too into women going full on 'male clothed' but I do enjoy a hint of woman in a mostly man outfit. Today, for instance, I am wearing a plain black button down and some gray slacks. I also have on my husband's red tie and some red heels. My lips match my shoes and tie, and I completed my look with pearl earrings. Slight lady accessories stuck in amongst the men style clothing gives the outfit a more unique look. I don't want to go 'all man' per se.

I also have a pattern that I picked up at a local Goodwill for women's vests and I very much want to make a couple of these:

I have a ton of remnants that would look darling as a vest. And if I don't have quite enough for the entire vest, I can make the back in a satin or something. I have been leaning towards older styles here lately. I love how some women can just pull off the menswear look like its nothing, like Katharine Hepburn or Diane Keaton. ((sigh)) A girl can dream...


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