Halloween 2013

I'm thrifty... or cheap, whatever. This year I knew I was going to be a cop because of an after Halloween sale last year. Torrid had a sale on all their leftover Halloween stuff, and there was this cop accessory kit which included: a hat, some handcuffs, finger-less gloves, a tie and a badge that said "Special Police."

A few months later I was at the Goodwill and found a lovely pin-striped dress with a full skirt and pockets! I was in love! And it also reminded me slightly of a police officer's outfit, so I bought it for $1. That's correct... $1. I was so freakin happy because this dress fit like a glove and had this bad-ass seat belt type belt and who could forget those pockets!! So the only thing I thought I still needed to complete my Halloween ensemble was a hat and some sunglasses. My awesome friend Nicole lent me her pair of sunglasses and I found this hat at a Spirit store. Both the badge and hat say 'Special Police', prompting my friend Sammi and I to go around saying 'this looks like a job for the Special Police!!' whist buying the aforementioned hat. Good times... good times. :-D

But this year we had severe storms a rollin' through, so we had to postpone Halloween until November 1st: today. We dressed up at work yesterday, but I am heading on down to mom's house to hand out candy since the winds have finally stopped. So, Happy Halloween: Part 2!!


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