Snowed In

So, we don't get a whole hell of a lot of snow down here in good ol Tennessee during the winter months. We usually get a snow or two, but it's almost always in February and it's almost never enough to close anything down. People in the south tend flip out if they even mention the possibility of a flurry or two, rushing off to their nearest store for milk and bread and water. I just don't go anywhere if the roads are shitty... we can make it on the food we have in the house. That old ass can of fruit cocktail? Done. That ancient box of hamburger helper? Consumed. We'll be fine. Plus, my truck is oooooold, so driving anywhere is risking both myself and my poor truck to wintery mayhem. Nothing is worth hurting myself or my truck. I attempted to drive to Best Buy for work a few years ago when it was very icy and almost slid into a dump truck. Nope. Not worth it. Screw icy roads.

On that light note, I was stuck inside on that crap-tastic day, so I was determined to sew! I have been needing to fix/finish a lot of things I have been working on, so yesterday seemed like the perfect day to finish some of them.

A few days ago I started to cut out a pattern for a new skirt, and I never finished cutting it out.

I needed stabilizer and barely had any, so I had to grab some this weekend at the Hancock sale. I got the stabilizer ready, but then I decided on another fabric for the skirt. Mainly because I loved the fabric I had chosen, but I couldn't find a decent contrasting fabric for the bottom. So I chose a couple of remnants that I also got this weekend.

It was lovely! And I had this burgundy contrasting fabric that looked very nice next to it.

She's always so helpful...

I began to cut it out and discovered that I barely had enough fabric. Ah, the perils of using remnants. But honestly, I think of it as a challenge of sorts to take a $2 remnant and make it into something awesome! So I was just a tad short on both fabrics, but I made it work! Observe!

I was very pleased with this pattern and very much want to make another one! Remnants rock!! I also finished my Peachy Shirt, which I also made out of remnants. I will write about it soon! Overall, it was a pretty productive snow/ice day.

***Update: I wore this skirt to work today and it was extremely comfortable. It's kind of a thick-ish material which makes me feel like I'm back in the olden days. Plus it has pockets!!!


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