Plain Ol' T-Shirt

Today was a very crappy day, weather wise. It literally rained almost all day. Or more like it misted most of the day and actually rained just a little bit. To make it feel more like spring/summer, I made a daiquiri!

...and a t-shirt. Today I opened one of my new patterns that I bought yesterday at Hancocks.

99% of the reason I wanted to buy this was for the V-neck t-shirt. I have a gray V-neck that I wear sooooo much. It is one of the last things I bought from Victoria's Secret for $5 and I wear the hell out of it. So I wanted to make my own to give my gray one a break. I had this lovely blue remnant that I had bought months ago that I always kind of wanted to make into a shirt. I cut out the pattern pieces and discovered that I did not have enough to make the whole shirt, but I did have enough to make most of the shirt. I decided on lace sleeves, mainly because I had cut out some lace sleeves last week for my Peachy Shirt but decided on the last minute to not use them. I constructed the shirt, with Peaches's help, of course. It was looking pretty good, but I hadn't finished the neckline yet.

I put the neckline on and it was slightly off, so I had to rip some seams and readjust. And now I think it looks pretty good!

I am going to make a ton of these!!! Try and stop me!!! Bwa-haha!


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