Getting Creative With Remnants/ Simplicity 2146 Review

Today's review is for the Simplicity 2416.

I chose this pattern because I love the contrasting side panels and the basic-ness of this dress. You can take this Project Runway inspired pattern and tweak it to make a lot of different types of dresses. For this project, I chose the black and red version. I had gone to Hancock Fabrics this past weekend for some Butterick patterns that were on sale for $1.99 a piece. Naturally, I had to stop by the remnant section and see if they had anything cool. A couple of weekends ago when I went for the McCalls pattern sale, I looked at their Spot the Bolt sale tables. Spot the Bolt is a big sale area with discounted fabrics. I saw some very cool looking fabrics, but they were kind of bold for my taste. So this past weekend whilst perusing the remnant section, I found a swatch of one of those awesome bold fabrics! I snatched it up, along with way too many other remnants. Seriously, I'm surprised my husband will even let me in the house when I come back with a big bag o'fabric. Anywho, last night I was sitting on the floor, sulking, in Spider Town. Why? Because I was overwhelmed! I had bought more fabrics, which I said I would try to be better about. I have a TON of patterns, too. Looking at them all gives me anxiety. What am I going to make with this fabric?! When am I going to make this dress?! When will I finally have some sort of order in here?!?! I was psyching myself out for no reason. I have plenty of supplies, I just needed to get creative. So I took the bold fabric and knew I wanted to make it into a dress, but there was less than a yard in my remnant, so I got creative. I took Simplicity 2146 and some stretchy red remnant fabric and got to work!

As I said, I didn't have the amount of fabric that this project called for, but I had just enough to make it work.

I knew I would have to sew the front panel bits together at the waist to make it long enough, but there was a band going across the waist anyways, so no biggie. I had to get creative with my folding to make my teensy tiny remnant work, but it came out so nicely. What do you think?


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