Sewing a Legacy

So I went to pick up my winnings from that online auction and was pleasantly surprised. The box I bought was full of notions and some of them even had the woman's name on them. I think she was a quilter because all of the items with her name on them said "block 2" underneath her name. That got me to thinking 'Who were these women whos sewing things I now posessed?' Did they indeed like to quilt or were they more of a 'fix it when it breaks' seamstress? Did they look at a fabric and instantly picture what you want it to become, or did they just think that they might use it one day for something. I can only imagine that either they had no children or their children didn't want these particular items. I can understand that, but I also might want to keep something of my mother's to use a lot. Maybe they wanted to keep something but they just don't sew. Who knows.

The point is that now I own these precious things and I am going to try to make something with these items in tribute to the women who no longer are able to use them. Perhaps the article of clothing I will make with the most lovely matching thread from Judy's sewing box shall be named the Judy Blouse. Maybe I can make use buttons from the sewing box of Mrs Harrison and make the most lovely little sweater. There is actually an estate sale this weekend with a ton of fabric and sewing supplies and I might go swing by there. At this point we will have to buy a house to keep all of my hand-me-down sewing supplies in. But hey, maybe these women would have been proud. :)


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