Memorial Day Weekend

Holy... Freakin... Cow. This long Memorial Day weekend started with a bang! On my way to my mother's house yesterday, I had to drive slowly because her neighbors were having a yard sale. Whilst driving slowly, I 'rubbernecked' to see what they were selling. I almost stopped in the middle of the road! The night before, the husband and I were chillin on the couch and I was showing him some ideas of how to organize my sewing space, which included a pin of one side of a crib. I have blogged this picture before. What did I see at this yard sale? A freakin crib! I pulled into mom's driveway and went inside and asked 'who wants to walk next door with me?!' So my brother and I walked over and chatted with the neighbors. When we were kids, we used to play together, so it was very nice to see what she was up to. She's actually expecting her first child, but they did not want this crib for her kid. After a little catching up, I casually walked over to the crib and almost fell over. It was perfect! It was literally what I had been looking for!

I asked her how much she wanted and she said "For you... $20" I could not take the twenty out of my pocket fast enough! We walked it back over to the house and put it into the truck. Whilst loading my new fabric organizer, she walked back over and asked if we wanted this giant comfy chair for free. Uh, yes!! We walked back over to get the chair and she asked if I wanted 2 prom dresses for free as well. I looked at the crinoline underneath and said yes to the dresses. I told her I felt bad because I was just taking all her stuff and she said she felt like she was pushing all this off on us. haha.

After I had my coffee on Sunday, I then went out to the truck to begin my fabric organization. I brought the 2 sides inside and gave them a quick wipe down with a baby wipe (ha) to get the dust off and I also removed the brackets off one of the pieces. One of them is missing one rung, but who cares! One of them has 16 rungs and the other has 15. A-freakin-mazing!

The sewing space was a mess, as always. Its my fault. I keep buying crap! But now I have taken a lot of fabric out of the drawers and put notions and patterns in said empty drawers. It has made me feel so much less anxious!

After spending most of the day on Sunday fiddling with the sewing room, my mom calls to ask if she can borrow my truck for a little while. So I drive over there and had a big surprise sprung upon me. My best friend, who I have not seen in like 5 years, was there!!! Her name is also Sarah. We have been friends since the 3rd grade and it was so freakin nice to see her again!! She had recently moved near my mom's house, so I have a feeling we will be seeing more of each other soon. :-D

Then for most of the day today I was trying to complete as many WIPs as possible. I finished a skirt and a top (posts coming soon) so I will now have something new to wear to work for half the week. It was such an awesome weekend!


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