Wait A Minute Mr Postman

So, I completed yet another session of class, this time making my bodice sloper and turning it and my skirt sloper in for 'homework.' I also went ahead with the next session, making a sleeve sloper, copying a pattern from a pair of pants and also from a button down shirt. I have not made the pants or shirt yet, but I did make a sleeve pattern. That was shitty. The class is still going ok and I am still learning a lot, but their instructions and accompanying paperwork are disorganized. For instance, the instructions on making the sleeve did not come in video form, which was fine. However, only half of the sleeve instructions were visible. It literally only showed the top, which is important, but it did not tell you where to draw the bottom half of the sleeve lines. I had to go into the 'resources' tab to find the printable instructions, and those consisted of only a printable sleeve, not the rest of the instructions. Almost like 'hey, if you don't want to know how to do this, here is one you can just print out and use.' I, however, want to know how to make the sleeve. I had to go to the metric version to find the rest of the 'how to make a sleeve' part. It was kind of frustrating. I finally finished my sleeve pattern and I think it looks good.

The next part was the 'take a pair of pants you love and make a pattern from them' part. That was kind of cool because she showed you 2 different ways to copy the pants pattern. Good stuff to know. Then she showed yet another way to copy clothes on the button down shirt part. So, in total, she showed us 3 different ways to copy your clothes. I learned a lot during this part, so that's great! They just need to reorganize their information, or at least give it a once over before they go live. So far there have been a lot of small mistakes. Not in the videos themselves, but in the paperwork. I know I'm not perfect, but come on. These should be easy things to catch.

Anywho, I honestly didn't know this would be part of my homework, so I just watched the videos for the pants and button down shirt, both of which were 40 minutes long a piece. Then I got to the end and it said I had to submit of sleeve sloper and my pants copy. Oops. By that time, I had been on the computer all freakin day, so I thought I would call it a night. I guess I shall just go back and copy a pair of pants soon. I have a pair of red skinny jeans that I got at Goodwill and I would love a pair of jeans just like them, so I will probably do that pair. Plus, they're kind of thin, so it will help with all the issues I imagine you would have with tracing a bulkier pair. You're not required to make the shirt for homework, but it is good stuff to know.


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