Sewciety Expo

So as much as the first visit kind of put me off, I decided to go back to the MidSouth Sewing Center in Murfreesboro with my momma for Round Two. They have a monthly club where people bring their recent projects for a show and tell, which I thought sounded cool. When mom and I went before, they had some badass quilts on the walls, so I assumed that would be most of the show and tell portion. However, this meeting is stated as the Sewciety 'Expo.' Here is their description of the event:

"We will be having our annual SewCiety Expo! This is where we will be showing many different techniques on many different machines around the store! There will not be a show and tell but there will be some AMAZING Sales! As always snacks and coffee will be provided and its always FREE to attend!"

Snacks, eh? 'Amazing' sales, too. I was intrigued. Yeah, we had to go. So I picked up mom and we took a drive to their Murfreesboro location. There were snacks, oh so many snacks. A very nice lady (I am awful with names) got up on a chair and addressed us all about the sales of the day, the demonstrations going on during the expo and also announced the raffle winners. We did not win. Boo. Anywho, the one demonstration I really wanted to see was the different stitch techniques table. Mom and I were right by that table, so once the festivities began, we scuttled over to that area to get a good spot. Unfortunately I was a little disappointed with the techniques at the table. She showed us how to change a stitch length and width to kind of create a custom stitch, and on the machine she was using, you might be able to save that stitch for future use. But the trip wasn't a total loss. I bought some needles; stretch, everyday use and embroidery needles, to be exact. They were all on sale and I will now know which needle I am using. My machine came with a pack of needles, but I'm really bad about saving them instead of tossing them after I change them, so now this should help me. Organization... yay!

Afterwards we went to Hancock Fabrics where I purchased some muslin for my sewing class and a couple of patterns. I really wanted a cross body purse pattern for the times mom and I go shopping or hanging out outdoors all day, like for the upcoming Buttercup Festival. So, I got this one:

I also saw this pattern and thought it would be cute to make my own slippers for wearing around the house. You have to buy the bottom slipper soles, but they're only like $8 on Amazon.

I also got some sequin fabric and have a special plan for it... bwahaha! So, all-in-all, it was a good day.


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