Take the Time

Good lord, where does the time go in a day?! I swear sometimes it feels like I have 3 jobs. First and foremost, I am a wife. That comes before all else. Marriage is extremely important to us, so we make sure to take the time to just enjoy each other's company. Because of this, I think we are in a very strong marriage. We rarely fight because we take the time to talk an issue out instead of yelling. I often think about how the things that I say will make him feel, and we try to see/understand the other person's side. Most of the time it is just a simple misunderstanding. We do fight, but its rare. We never call each other names because we're adults and that just seems silly. As a result, we are very happy! We would rather spend time at home doing nothing and laughing. We also have our time apart (which is usually when I sew). This closeness also can cause problems because sometimes I simply want to sit and chat with him rather than going into spider town to sew. Especially after a hard day, like yesterday.

Oh yesterday... Nothing was going right yesterday. Work was awful. So when I got home, all I wanted was a shot and some time to sew. I went into spider town and began to work on the sleeve of my Big City Top when suddenly the machine didn't like what my bobbin was all about. I was making this lovely little flower border with brown thread and black bobbin thread, and I began to see the black thread coming up through the fabric. So instead of brown flowers, I had the occasional black petal. I stopped after 2 flowers and had a look-see underneath. There was a whole clump of black bobbin thread bunched up! Seriously, the day was literally getting worse by the minute. As a result, when my husband got home, I was not in a good mood. I felt awful for snapping at him over something stupid, and he knew something was up. He asked me about my day and we talked about it. It felt like all the crap from the day was lifting off the more I talked. Then I felt so much better and wanted nothing more than to sit with him for the rest of the night. Fate apparently thought I was not meant to sew that night, which is unfortunate because I really want to finish this top for the trip into town. I'll work on it more tonight and see where I get.

I digress. So after a very long day at work, most days all I want to do is come home and relax. I can usually quell the desire to sit on my butt in front of the TV, but on bad days sewing is the last thing I want to do. They say you should never drive, bake or go to bed angry. I believe sewing should be added to that list. I want my pieces to have been made with love, but not anger. Plus, when I get mad while working on something, it makes it that much harder to go back to it, because I remember how mad I was before. 'I don't want to finish that seam because the last time I worked on it, I was in such a bad mood.' Yeah, that's how my mind works.

So I do need to make more sewing time, but with a full time job and my wifely duties, its hard to squeeze more time out of the day. I already feel like I barely see my husband which is silly. So maybe soon I can figure out a way to sleep less and sew more...?


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