Knit Pickin'

Oh man, there is so much to learn about knitting!! I got a 'Learn how to knit' kit from my momma for Christmas, and so far so good. It's fun doing the basic casting on and using the simple knit stitch. I have messed up a couple of times and even had to execute the frogging technique when I was unable to figure out what I had done wrong and how to fix it. I had 'frogged' before, but I didn't know how to stop once I got to my mistake. Therefor, I have completely unraveled a couple of times and just started over. Yesterday I figured out how to pick a row back up once I unraveled past my mistake. I was going to leave my mistake, as it wasn't too bad. I wanted to eventually learn how to knit a flower or something cool and put it right on the mistake to cover it up. But after looking at it over and over again, I decided that I simply could not let it stay.

I looked up a couple of videos online of women knitting. It seemed simple enough. I even tried to find videos to fix my mistakes, but I couldn't find one that showed whatever the hell I had done to the poor yarn. Most of the videos were on how to fix a dropped stitch, but that didn't look a thing like what I had in my hands. So from now on, I'll be a bit more careful when I knit, so I don't create another frankenstein's monster of a scarf. BTW, that's my first project; a scarf. Its simple enough for a beginner. I haven't gotten too in depth with different types of stitches, like the purl, reed or rib stitches. I figure I will finish my little scarf and see how it goes from there. It is a lovely pinkish orange color; like salmon. I am currently looking into other colors, but good god almighty there is a lot to choose from! I do need to knit a wine cozy/ any type of alcohol bottle cozy next. That seems pretty simple. The main factor in how (not) quickly I will learn new knitting stitches is lack of time. Right now my schedule is thus: Get up at the ass crack of dawn, go to work, come home, cook dinner, sew before bed, go to bed. There is not a whole hell of a lot of time in there for knitting, but I did have a possible future solution or two...

1. Take my knitting to work. I have actually done this. This is where I learned to knit. Sitting at my desk on my lunch break was time enough to get the basics down. The only problem with this plan currently is that I usually spend my lunch half hour eating and reading. I have a favorite book series and said series is coming out with not only a new book this year, but also a tv show! Each new book take a couple of years for her to write and its well worth it. I am excited but also apprehensive about the tv show, but since it will be on Starz, hopefully they will take their time and make it worth while. But back on the subject of my lack of time, I am trying to read through the series (again) before the next book comes out in early June to make sure I am fully caught up, so knitting on my one half hour of lunch is currently out of the question. That brings us to...

2. Set aside knitting time at home. This is most likely what will happen. However, I have some New Years Resolutions that involve sewing, so I will first and foremost do that before setting aside knitting time. I got a whole lot of sewing stuff from my family for Christmas, so I am eager to try it all out. I have a whole lot of new thread colors and a few sketch books that I have dabbled in. Honestly, I am a little overwhelmed on what to lay my hands on when I step into the sewing room. If I am to stick to my guns and resolutions, I need to tackle my unfinished projects before all else. Then I can fully immerse myself in my new toys. I am very excited about the sketch books, as I am horrible at drawing. I have attempted it before with almost no success. I have the general idea of what I want to draw, but my hand does not cooperate with my brain when the colored pencils hit the paper. Now, however, I have a book of ideas that will prove very useful and a book full of blank women to draw clothes on which will also be a big help. The only thing I disagree with is the body types of women in my sketch books, as I am not 5"11 and thin as a rail. Someone needs to make a 'real dimensions of women' drawing book. I know what I want my ideas to look like, but on me, not a praying mantis...


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