Donna Reed Dress

Today's review is for the Simplicity 2444 pattern.

I wanted this dress very badly because of the little cape on the blue and white dress. I thought it was very romantic and very 50s like. I had the perfect fabric for it, too. A few months ago, I was in Hancock Fabrics and saw this darling pale rose fabric. I didn't know when I would make anything out of it, but I instantly bought 3 yards. It is one of the few fabrics I did not find in the remnant section.

Anywho, I have seriously been finishing quite a few of the projects in my chair here lately, so I decided to treat myself to a new pattern. I didn't buy anything new for this project, but the pattern has not been used yet. I've been sitting on it for a few months as well. But as a reward for completing some of my unfinished pile, I decided to treat myself with a dress! I love the look of this pattern, both the cape version and the regular version, so I knew this would be fun. I cut out the cape pattern and decided to make the cape itself a contrasting/complimenting fabric. I had this lovely stretchy silky fabric and it just looked like it was going to work perfectly.

The dress itself was simple enough, as was the cape part. I tried it on about mid way through and got super sad because I couldn't get it on. Seriously, you think I would pay attention by now! I hadn't gotten to the zipper part yet! For the love of god. I also did not read the back of the pattern before I began, because I would have noticed that I did not have a 22" zipper in my drawer-o-notions. So off to the fabric store I went! I got a nice long pink zipper and some other small things for a surprise-that-has-yet-to-come. (rubs hands maniacally)

Anyways, after installing the zipper I went to try it on again. It was a bit tight in the waist area, but not unbearable. I went to show my husband who promptly exclaimed "Who do you think you are, Donna Reed?" That was the best thing I had heard all day! It also refueled my desire to get back in there and continue to work on the dress. I'd love to be like Donna Reed! I was not going to make the big bow, but the husband said the dress just looked like it deserved a big bow. I am still debating on making one. But here she is!!

I loved making this dress! I will definitely be making another one!!


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