
I am working on separating my office space from my sewing space. It is going to take some time, for sure, but I think it's necessary. For the longest time, my desk looked like this...

Well, I recently got the standing desk thingy, but you get the picture. I was mixing sewing with work and it was not ideal. On my days off, I didn't want to sew. I was in there all day at the computer, why would I want to go back and work on a project when I'm trapped in here all day long? That was my mindset and it was toxic to my creativity. Even if I had a project that I was working on and loving, it was tough to get back in there. It seems silly, but yet there it was... agitating me.

Enough was enough. I saw a desk at our local help center for $10 and told the husband I had to have it. We went to pick it up and when I got it home and into my room, I decided to put it on the completely opposite wall from my desk. That way, in my mind, all my creativity and fun stuff was in one side of the room and my work side (not completely un-fun, but not anything like sewing) was on the other.

And you know what? It helps. It helps a ton! I honestly didn't know if it would work, but I'll be damned if I feel like sewing more on my days off with just a little (ok, a lot) of rearranging. But just the simple act of wanting to separate work and play in one room really makes a difference and I am surprised.

I shouldn't be surprised because that seems like common sense. I just didn't think of this as the same thing because working from home doesn't seem like a real job to me. Sound weird? Yup. I have a set schedule and breaks and I do work all day long, but it doesn't seem like a job as much as going to an actual job. That might not make sense, but there it is. Haha.

So now that I've established that I need separate spaces for my work and play and now that I have said spaces, everything is going very well! Most evenings after work I sew or craft in some way, shape or form. The husband and I sometimes both go into my office/sewing room and he piddles around on the computer while I get creative. I don't feel anxious about coming back into the office after work hours because I get to hang with my hubby and do something fun. So, yay!


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