Thrift Store Fashion Frame Find

So on our first trip to the help center/thrift store in Hartsville, the first thing I came across was this cool fashion thingy.

But this poor thing was broken. It was coming apart in 2 corners. Naturally I felt bad, so I bought it. It was only $1, and I knew I could fix it, so no harm no foul. Once we got it home, I took a good look and noticed it was kind of moldy inside. So instead of just gluing it back together, I took it completely apart to give it a good cleaning. I read up on cleaning paper mold online and a few antique book places said to use hydrogen peroxide so I took some q-tips and lightly cleaned the paper and let it dry for a few days.

Ewww. Moldy-ness.

This thing is adorable! I don't know who made it, but I love it. It's got these little 3D cut outs of the outfits on these little models. They're on little pieces of foam and it's just clever. It almost seems like something one would make for a fashion class project or something.

Anywho, I took the mat that came with it and took off the little spacers because they didn't look like they were actually doing anything. There was a big space in-between the picture and the glass, and the mat was warped a little, probably from whatever moisture caused the mold. So I glued popsicle sticks together until they made a pretty decently strong base and then glued them to the mat. Then I glued all that to the picture itself.

Then I took the frame itself and used a picture hanging kit thingy that I also found at the help center and attached it to the back because for some reason it had no way to hang it or sit in on a table or anything. Another reason I thought someone hastily made this for a class or something. You know, half-assed. Haha. So once that was attached, I used hot glue to attach the picture to the frame because that's how it was attached in the first place. And badda boom she was done! I hung her next to this awesome thrift store find my husband spotted of a dress made from a map of the streets of Florence.

Ignore the mess underneath the pics. I'm still in the process of organizing my office/creative space. That is where my plants normally hang out to be out of the way of the cats, but the hats and my embroidery attachment for my sewing machine were just placed there temporarily. I have made progress, though!

The desk before it was moved into place... there was much anxiety during this phase because of the whole room being taken up by this desk.

Moved to the wall, but not quite right yet.

More into the space I wanted it in. Simon said it looked good from where he was sitting. And Goopy was sleeping soundly on the chair.

Mutterman, our newest addition, enjoying my table. We call him that because he walks around and mutters. Not quite a meow, but more of a mutter. Super fun... O.o

Stinky. She loves helping me by sitting right on the table while I'm working.

There is still more work to do once I get the newest table finally finished and put in here. We found this sewing table (minus the sewing machine) at the thrift store for $5 sometime last year in their clearance area and it has been needing a refinish like super bad. It had all this sticky shit on it and the paint was all gloopy and coming off, so we sanded the ever living hell out of it and once it gets stained, I will add it to the room somewhere. THEN I AM DONE, DAMN IT. I am kind of running out of room. haha.


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