Deals on deals on deals

If don't know what it is lately, but almost everything on my 'sewing must haves' list had been found recently on one hell of a sale. I'm not much of a fan of buying stuff for myself, but when the husband spotted a set of pressing tools that I had been wanting for a long time on a great sale, I had to jump on them. It was just a ham and seam roll, but I had been dying to get them for forever. And they match!!

Love the spring colors!!

These puppies were under $25 on eBay, with shipping and all! Most sets I had been watching were that much before shipping, and shipping is usually pricey since they are a tad heavy. I was pretty happy to see that and they are in great shape!

Then we got on eBay and saw a coupon for 15% off any one item, so the husband found me a Cricut Explore One for $80!! Now I have to mention that this was an open box Cricut that was being sold as is, but it looked brand new and we decided to take a chance. And once we received it and started it up, it worked perfectly, so yay for bargains!!

((Insert angelic bargain finding music))

After these and my serger, I AM NOT BUYING ANYTHING ELSE. lol. I know they were all on sale and I'm counting them as my anniversary present to myself. But no more. Plus this should tide me over until our next big anniversary... in 2028. Hehehe.


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