Remnant Couch Throw

So I was sitting around today trying to think of what to do sewing wise. I had just finished mom's jacket and I didn't really know what to start next. So in keeping with one of my New Year's resolutions, I decided to use up some of my remnants, of which I have oh so many.

Almost every Sunday, I get up and watch a program on channel 5 appropriately entitled Sunday Morning. After this 1.5 hour show, I switch to channel 8 and watch a half hour of Volunteer Gardener and then another half hour of Tennessee Crossroads. All 3 shows are wonderful and this makes for a great start to any Sunday. However, the husband is almost always asleep while I'm indulging in my Sunday morning ritual, so its just me and Mrs Peaches. This usually means lap time for her and blanket time for me, as we tend to keep it a little cold in the house. We both sleep soooo much better when its cold.

Anywho, our blanket selection varies, as Peachy will claim one of the blankets as her own. Since she is almost 20 and the obvious 'man' of the house, we let her have whichever one she wants. For a long time, it was the snuggie that I had bought when I still worked at Best Buy. We had a whole section of 'As Seen on TV' stuff at Best Buy, and one day our snuggies went down in price to $5. Naturally I bought one, cause... well, why not? Peaches wanted it, so we folded it up and let her have it.

Here lately she wants nothing to do with said snuggie, so we've been using it as a blanket, and it serves that purpose decently. However, it's not nearly warm enough for cold winter nights sitting on the couch, where I inevitable will fall asleep before bed time. So my husband took one of our old sheets and we have been layering that and the snuggie, and it stays warm with the two layers. But the sheet is longer than the snuggie and the snuggie has arms that get in the way if you're not using them. Plus, they end up in a tangled mess on the couch and its been pissing me off. So I decided to make a blanket for the couch using a couple of remnants I had bought months ago.

This fabric is kind of thick, but its not too thick. I actually didn't know how much actual fabric was in the remnants when I bought them, as they were rolled up. When I got them home and unrolled them, I was pleasantly surprised. They were huge! And there were 2 matching rolls in the remnant bin! My initial thought when I unrolled these was to cut them into simple scarves and give them to each of my 4 brothers. The fabric was generic and kind of dude like. But for some reason, I just didn't want to sit down and make them. I unrolled them a few times and thought about making the scarves, but I could never bring myself to do it. But this morning I had a thought whilst wrestling with the snuggie/sheet. I would simply sew them together and make a giant couch throw/blanket. The fabric was a little scratchy, but I knew it would be warm enough. As a happy accident, I went to grab the fabric and saw some remaining lining fabric from mom's coat. And it was just big enough to sew to the wrong side of my blanket! So I sewed the two remnants together and sewed the lining to the other side. I turned it out and closed up the end. Now I/we/the cat have a fancy looking new blanket that I/we/the cat can use whilst watching Sunday Morning or whilst falling asleep on any given week night!


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