Cat Buttons

Today, I made yet another top from the Simplicity 1693 pattern. This time, I wanted to try the E shirt. I had these 2 matching remnants from Hancock Fabrics that I really wanted to use, as they are a lovely flower pattern and this weekend was warm and lovely. Mom and I went to Lowes and got some seeds to start indoors, and we both trimmed a bit around our yards. It was so nice out. So in between the frequent trips outside, I made this top! Plus, our cat Peaches is a little sick, so I made sure to stay mostly inside today. Anywho, here it is!

The best part... a cat button!!!

This top was super easy and fun to make. I really wanted a pearl button on the collar, but I had no pearl buttons left. I did, however, have a flat backed pearl thingy in a button collection I had bought. I also had some embellishing glue for sticking stuff to fabric. After finishing the rest of the top, I then glued the non-button onto the shirt and let it dry over night. It says to let it fully dry for 24 hours before wearing and 7-10 days before washing. Sounds easy enough.

I very much liked both tops that I made from this pattern. I discovered that I really don't have that many shirt patterns. So I looked online for the upcoming pattern sales at Hancocks, and for the next 2 weekends there will be 2 different pattern sales. This coming weekend will be a McCalls sale and the following weekend will be a Butterick sale. The McCalls sale is 5/$7, so I plan on buying 10 patterns. The Butterick one is $1.99 a piece, which is good, but I only have 2 patterns I want to pick up that weekend. I need to stock up on a couple of things whilst there this coming weekend, as they have a 50% off notions sale. Apparently I need boning for a couple of dresses (of course I didn't check before buying said patterns) and I have almost no fusible interfacing left. And they sent me coupons! Woop!!


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