Yoga Tank

So I do yoga every morning at home and sometimes also in the afternoon. I love it! Its relaxing and I love the way I can work for a week or two at a move and see a difference in the way I balance and feel in general. I recently branched into taking a free outdoor yoga class once a month and so far its been pretty awesome. However, after my most recent yoga class, I decided that I can no longer wear a 3/4 length sleeved shirt to said class. Good lord it was hot!! We are straight up in the sun. I always wear the same shirt because its the only super long shirt I have, and this is yoga in a public shopping center, so the more I can cover up the better. But after baking in the last 2 classes, I decided to make myself a tank to wear to yoga. The next class is over a month away so that should be plenty of time to make a silly shirt. For my first attempt, I shall be using this lovely turquoise blue fabric from the very last auction I won. This was a 5 yard chunk of fabric, and I only know that because there was a piece of masking tape on one end that said '5 yards.' When I took the tape off, it looked as though it had been on there for a long time. There was some odd residue under the tape and it was pretty brittle coming off. So I had the husband toss it into the washer and off we went!

Lovely color, isn't it? I decided to make a practice shirt in this fabric because if it went well, I could wear this shirt often and make an actual moisture wicking yoga shirt later. The pattern I chose was this jewel that I have been meaning to make for forever:

I thought I would make shirt C with the cool yoke detail. I also have an ulterior motive for making this shirt. Along with being able to wear a cooler feeling shirt to yoga once a month, I purchased a racer back bra and I now want something to wear with said bra. I kind of like it so far. Anywho, shirt C consisted of only 3 pieces which should make for an easy shirt, which I love. I took this piece of lovely lace to use for the yoke because I wanted something pretty to wear to work that was also comfortable.

I began to construct the top and all went well. I decided to make my own binding because, well, why not? I have a little 'make your own binding' thingy that you feed the fabric into and then iron it into shape. I might have needed to use a non stretchy fabric, but it was the only plain black fabric I had. The fabric came out folded, but would not hold its shape. I ironed the crap out of it, but I still had to pin it to keep it folded. Sewing it on was pretty easy with only the occasional mistake where it came unfolded. So I definitely want to try it with plain black cotton fabric and see what happens. It was very easy to use, though

What do you think?

The only thing I am not happy with is the arm hole areas. They just seem a bit too baggy.

Its my fault. I cut for a size 12 when I usually wear a 10. I had to take in the sides a little to make it slightly more form fitting, but it could honestly go in some more. Maybe after I wash the finished garment it will be better. I am now looking through my stash for a workout type material so I won't die of heat exhaustion during our July class.

**Full disclosure: I went to yoga with cat throw up on my mat. I had wiped it up when he threw up, but I meant to go back and wipe with a cleanser or something. Not like you could see it or anything, but I knew it was there. Oh well! :)


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