
For the love of god, does anyone else have trouble deciding on their next project?? Not me, apparently! Here I am, with a purse pattern cut out and needing assembling and yet I continue to think of other things I should start. Well, it is spring... I could make a bathing suit! Or wait, a sun hat. A girl can never have too many sun hats! Or a garden tool holder belt thingy! I need it for planting! Oh wait, a romper! That should be made first!

I swear, my inner 'oh look, something shiny!!' self never settles down. Even when making a project, such as with my bow purse, I continually think of something else to try. I am convinced that when we finally move (doesn't look too promising) and I finally have space to be organized, I will finally be able to sit down, work on a project and stick to that project. If I was able to have my ironing board out and my iron hot, it would take no time to press, the step I usually skip due to lack of adequate room to keep said ironing board out at all times. If my table was clear, I would be able to spread all my pieces out and see the pattern clearly. If I had a way to get all my fabrics out of the closed confines of the dresser, I might be able to pick them out more easily. If I had more room for my notions, I could find that stupid bit of lace I was looking for. Argh!!

Its my own fault. I keep buying fabric (oops) and notions and patterns. We went to an auction a couple of weeks ago and I was in a bidding war with 2 older ladies for a ton of sewing supplies. They won. >:-| Where was I on my birthday? At an estate sale because it mentioned 'sewing supplies' in the listing. I walked away with a ton of thread and needles. WHY DOESN'T SOMEONE STOP ME?! I am surrounded by enablers! Haha. :)


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