Happy Halloween, Sort Of

Holy Crap, it has been a whole month since I posted last!! My bad. There has just been a lot going on lately. For one thing, a couple of people quit here at work at the same time, so for a good 2 weeks straight I was in hell, as was everyone else here. I don't blame them for leaving, but it was very sudden and it left us scrambling. But we got help and its all good now. I am still not 100% caught up, but I'm getting close. Anywho, as awful as work normally is, being over stressed leaves me not wanting to sew. Hence the lag. Also, we have been in the process of buying a house, so we're a little preoccupied as of late. But I went in Spider Town last night and straightened up, which helped me feel the need to sew. I have a surprise Christmas project in the works that I really, really need to work on so I am not scrambling up until Christmas Eve. I will probably work on that tonight. I also started a shirt months ago and gave up when I sewed the arm holes closed on accident. I unstitched the arm holes and now am ready to pick it back up and complete it. I might wear it for Thanksgiving. It is a mulligan of the Simplicity 1539 pattern that I made in February, but this time I washed the fabric first.

Also, there was Halloween, in which I wore my Donna Reed Dress and went as Grace Kelly. Fun times were had, except for the howling wind and sub-zero temperatures. But you'd be surpised at how much a little liquor and a lot of laughs helps keep you warm.

So off I go, once again, to try to finish a project on my list. I have not been doing very well on that part of my New Year's resolution. I still have a massive pile that I just cannot get motivated to complete. And yet I am still bringing in new fabrics to my over stuffed drawers. My dream is to have something like this Pinterest gem for all my large amounts of fabrics, like 3 yards or more. All the smaller amounts I can stuff into my drawers.

I think that would help me to get motivated while also clearing up some space in my dresser o'fabrics. I am excited to move to see what kind of sewing room I can create! If I had the whole room to myself instead of sharing it (we live in a tiny duplex and have like no room) then I can get organized a bit better. I have a feeling it will also be a plant room, as I have had to move some of my plants inside for the winter, which also takes up a lot of space. But anywho, hopefully there will be a finished project on here soon. :)


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