Cone Holder

My husband is really an amazing man. Just tossing that out there. He is amazing for many reasons, but one of the things that makes him awesome is his ability to make me things. Like, for instance, a cone holder...

I told him I was going to Hancocks for a sale and showed him my list, which was my wishlist from the website, so it had pictures. He took one look at this cone holder and said "I think I can make that for cheap." And thus the challenge was accepted!

I had bought a cone of black thread last year when I first began sewing on my mom's machine and I was unaware that it would not fit on the machine. However, my husband rigged it up to where I could use it just fine. But then I got my new machine and the spool area is completely different. So I have not been able to use my black cone until my husband wound some of it onto a smaller thread spool. Fast forward to the sale and the challenge. I came home from one Saturday at moms and this was waiting for me:

The cone sits upon this modified normal sized spool...

So instead of spending $15 for the holder while on sale, I spent nothing and am now able to use cone thread! Which is great because I happened to buy a big cone of white and another cone of rainbow thread. I've heard some people say its not strong enough thread, but I've not had 1 issue yet with it.


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