That's A Wrap/ Butterick 5030 Review

I had to say it... this is a wrap dress, after all. Anywho, this dress was almost done last October, almost in time for the Pow Wow. However, the waist part was a little wonky, and I ran out of time so I wore something else I made. I kept meaning to go back to it, but I get so easily distracted. So in an effort to finish as many WIPs as possible this year, I decided to finish this one. It only needed to be pinched and sewn a little higher up because the front wrap skirt part was a little too low in the front and it just looked off. So I unstitched the front waist seam and brought the skirt up just a tad and sewed it back down. Once I tried it on and it looked great, I serged the new waist seam and then she was done!

As far as the construction went, I honestly don't remember. It was like 5 months ago and I have the mind of a gerbil, so yeah. But I do remember it was pretty quick and easy... I think. I don't have any negative thoughts about this dress, so that's a good sign!

Cats are helpful...

I had fun making the gathers at the shoulders because I just love that little detail. It seems so sweet and vintage.

And I added some small buttons at the ends of the sleeves which I was pretty proud of.

Sometimes I hate that I have so many buttons in my stash because when I need to find some that match, I find one pretty one and can only find like 3 that match or none. But in this case I was able to find one pretty one and not need any others to match. Boom!

I love this dress! It is so comfy and I made it out of this light cotton fabric that I bought at the Pow Wow a few years ago, hence my wanting to wear it this past year. But it is light and airy and slightly adjustable. I am not even sure what this kind of closure is usually used for, but I have a few in my stash, so I wanted to use it. This closure can be adjusted to whatever notch I want, so that after lunch 'sandwhich baby' belly can be a little more comfortable. I mean, I love my husband so very much, but he packs my plate so full of food at lunch. At least I don't go back to work hungry, but damn baby. haha. ;-P

So yeah, would make again. 10/10.


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