Sweater Weather/ McCalls 6796 Review

So, I made a sweater... kind of. Its pretty thin and more of a long sleeved shirt, but I just keep thinking sweater when I see it. I began with the need for a new top. Not for any specific reason, but I just had to sew something. I had unpacked most of my sewing room but my machine was still packed in the box. We've been in the new house for a little over a month now and I still had not sewn anything, so on Monday I unpacked the machine and went digging through my patterns for a suitable top. I came up with this pattern and I found a knit fabric that I had been dying to use on something.

The pattern itself was extremely easy and only consisted of 4 pieces; the front, the back, the collar and the sleeve. I honestly thought it would be a bit more challenging, but I am always pleased with an easy one, especially when it turns out so well.

I really liked the finished product, but it was still missing something. I went digging through my buttons for the collar, but could not find 3 that I liked enough. I really loved this dark turquoise button, but it was the only one in the button bag from an estate sale. I still very much need to organize my sewing supplies a bit better, but for now they're still spread all about. Anywho, I added the one button and I kind of like it being the only one.

I was just about to hem the sleeves and bottom of the top when I had an idea. I cut 2 swatches of fabric in the same width of the bottom of the sleeves but I made it about 4 inches long. I sewed the tubes shut and attached them to the bottom of the sleeves, essentially making them a bit too long, which I love! I hate when a sleeve is too short, but I adore a slightly too long sleeve, so I can tuck my hands up in there if they're too cold.


I love this top/sweater!! I love the color, the fit, the neck... everything! I want to make a short sleeved version next to tuck into a skirt or wear with nice pants. I might even make little bows instead of buttons for the collar.


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