Buttercup Festival Top

Remember this previously started WIP...?

I have had a lot of stuff going on with not a ton of extra sewing time, so you can imagine my happiness when I got to work on my Buttercup Festival Top last night. I got the straps done and finished sewing in the second zipper. Second zipper, you say? Do tell! I hate to admit it, but I finally broke a needle. I am not happy about this. I was sewing on an exposed zipper to this top and I accidentally back tacked too far and my needle snapped. I was sooooo mad at myself, but also worried because of the cats, seeing as how Titus has a tendency to eat anything in sight. I searched and searched but only found 1 of the needle pieces. Unfortunately, we have shag carpet in Spider Town. Not our decision... we rent. So I used a magnet and swept it back and forth and back and forth and found nothing else. Argh.

So I changed my needle and took off the exposed zipper, seeing as how it seemed to be bad luck. I tried it on before removing the evil zipper and it was a little tight on the waist area, so I took all the pieces apart and sewed them together with a smaller seam allowance. It made for a better fit, but not quite comfy enough. I decided to take some of my extra fabric and sew in a 'comfort panel' if you will. The bust part of the top was a little too big, but the waist was a little too small. So I didn't really want a ton more extra fabric in the bust area. It was just half of one of the peplum pieces and one weird triangle piece that I sewed onto the exact middle. The bust gathering was also a bit much, so I made that part a little smaller. I then added a regular old concealed zipper and ta-da! What do you think??

I love the crossed straps and it is super comfy. I cannot wait to wear it to this year's Buttercup Festival! :-D


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