
So, I made a cat on a handkerchief...

My first foray into using multiple colors for one design on my embroidery/sewing machine was super easy. It simply tells you when to get your next color and even tells you the color you are supposed to be using, although with some things like flowers I am sure you can substitute certain colors if you don't have a large selection of thread. When I bought my machine on amazon, there was a bundle pack of embroidery stabilizer and 40 spools of embroidery thread that I bought with my machine, and it has been the best complimentary purchase. When we were finally ready to embroider, we had the stabilizer and thread all ready to go!

Speaking of thread, I really needed a way to keep it organized since I did buy 40 spools of embroidery thread. I also got a really awesome Singer sewing pack from my momma for christmas, so I was literally drowning in thread. I saw something on Pinterest where a woman took a picture frame and made her own spool holder, so I decided to give it a whirl. That shall be my next post! Until then, au revoir!


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