Pin-Up Girls Shelley Bra Review

I finally did it! I finally made a bra other than something from the Madalynne Simplicity collection! Don't get me wrong, I still love those patterns, especially Simplicity 8229, but I have wanted to test some of the other patterns out there, like the Shelley bra from Pin-Up Girls.

This was a lot more fun than I thought it would be because it fit almost perfectly right out of the gate. I assembled the whole thing without any top-stitching or finishing just to see how it would fit. The band was a little too big because it fit very comfy and there was some room to spare. So I took everything completely apart (fun times) and re-did the whole thing after I took an inch off the side seam side of the back band pieces. Also, the second time I assembled it, I added a lining to the cups and front band. Basically anywhere that was the blue and white flowery fabric. I was just going to go unlined, but this fabric wasn't super soft or anything. I actually got this in a big bag 'o fabric from the thrift store that was $3. Sometimes you can see some of the fabric in those huge bags, but sometimes there is so much stuffed in there, you can't see everything until you get it home and open it up. I found this small piece of blue and white flowery fabric and thought it was so retro looking! Then I noticed that someone had started to make it into a baby onesie. It was almost finished, too. It kind of made me sad to picture who was making it and who the intended recipient was, but I also thought that I would never finish it, so why not take it apart and make something else out of it. So I went at it with the seam ripper and had a few good pieces and plenty of fabric for my bra.

This pattern is made for low to no stretch fabrics, and this fabric had 0 stretch. I had my doubts about making a bra with no stretch in the cups, but it turned out just fine. The Simplicity patterns (and most patterns that I know of) have no stretch in the front band to help give support. I know there are exceptions for like sports bras and bralettes and whatnot, but for support the front band is usually pretty non-stretchy. Plus, I used a lace for the top of the cups but I did not line the lace with anything, so it does give a little stretch. Its also a bit nipple-y because the lace part cuts across like half of the boob. lol. For my next one, I might try it with all fabric cups just to see how it turns out. So without further ado, here she is!

Its a bit nipply out... What did I say, nipple?

The back bands are all power mesh in a matching dark blue. I was super stoked when I saw how well this matched because I had this already on hand. No buying of anything to make this! And I love how the white picot elastic turned out on the underarm edge. So pretty!

The back was different the way the straps attached to the bra, but I ended up really liking them.

The only thing I did not like about the straps were the rings and sliders, or lack there of. I had sliders, but no rings. No big deal, but the upper sliders are a tad too big. The elastic kind of, uh, slides around in there. Again, no big deal, but I think it would have looked nicer with rings. I had salvaged some 'hardware' from some defunct bras from the thrift store, but for some reason I ended up with more sliders than rings.

I also am not a huge fan of the insides not being all one color. It just bugs me. Its silly. Anyways, I had white hook and eyes and white underwire casing and that was close enough.

Other than the un-matching bra guts and the lack of rings, I really like it! I love the fabric and lace combo and its super comfy, but not too loose. I am really pumped to make another one! Pretty soon I will have a bra for every day of the week! I need to focus on making matching sets, but since I usually work with remnants, I rarely have enough for 2 pieces. But still, I really like this bra! I want to try some of the other Pin-Up Girls patterns sometime. Keep up the great work, girls!


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