I'm Blue, Da Ba Dee Da Ba Die

A couple of weeks ago, I made a muslin of the Halter Top from the Gertie Sews Vintage Casual book that my husband bought for me. It was ok, but I was really trying to make the romper, which uses that blouse and the shorts that are in the same book. However, the shorts weren't blowing me away, so I decided to make the halter by itself because I was really pleased with how that turned out.

It even kind of lined up, which was cool. But it was a little loose and I had run out of elastic thread. Shirring takes up a ton of elastic thread! Anywho, I went to visit my momma and we found a ton of elastic thread (thanks again, mom!) and I decided to give this another go, but with the intention of making the halter top only. Me and rompers just don't mix well. Maybe I haven't found the right pattern yet... who knows.

This time around, I used a fabric that my mom had bought for me in an auction that I had also used as a lining for my pleather purse. There is a ton of this fabric and it reminds me of a country dress with its tiny print and lovely blue color. I had actually thought about making a dress with it because there is still so much left, so we shall see.

Aaaaanyways, here it is!

Yeah, its not a halter top, but I don't care. They give me headaches, so there.

That topstitching, tho. And that shirring. That shit took for-EVER.

I really like this top, but I think next time I might add some elastic to the part where the front bra pieces meet to make it gather up a little. It just seems a bit baggy and stands away from the body a little. Nothing major, but I think it would look better. I also didn't add any fusible batting to the cups because I didn't have any. It might help with the bagginess, too, because it would give some body to the boob area. Otherwise I really like it! It also has that retro feel, so I can see making more in different prints. My mother in law found this fabric for me at a thrift shop and I can totally see this as the halter top.

Yes, the silver stars are glittery. 'Merica!


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