Sewing Room Organization

We have been given a lot of hand me down furniture from our families and friends which we love because we haven't had to really buy any furniture during our marriage. The other day we went into a furniture store (to ask about a very large cardboard box that was outside the store... for the cats to play in) and were shocked by the prices of things! So we feel very, very fortunate to have all this hand me down stuff otherwise we would have pretty much nothing.

That being said, we were recently gifted another piece of hand me down furniture from my husband's sister which meant that I was going to get this giant cube thingy set that belonged to his grandparents. My husband had been using it for his stuff, but it's kind of big and was taking up a lot of his room space, but I thought it would be perfect for sewing stuff, so we shuffled it off to my room/office.

Here is a before of my room:

So this is a general view of my room. Obviously this was at a time when I desperately needed to clean, but none the less. It was hard to have most my notions shoved into a couple of small dresser drawers, because I couldn't see most of what I had. Then later on I would find some long lost notion that I needed a week before. Very frustrating indeed.

And now... Behold!!

LOOK AT IT!! Ok, so there is still a lot of work to do, but it's on the way to being done. This is the sewing room I have been dreaming of, organization wise. Despite both the before and after pictures, I hate Hate HATE feeling cluttered. If there are dishes in the sink, it makes me anxious. If there is a ton of stuff on my desk, I feel agitated all day at work. Ever since we moved into our house, I've been wanting this in my room, and now it's mine!! Bwa-haha!

Anywho, I always thought I could do something with baskets in each cube to hold various notions, like zippers in one cube, ribbon in another, etc. We used to have this in the duplex bedroom and it was mainly filled with all of our books and some trinkets, but when we moved here we found a book case for $5 at our wonderful thrift store, so most of the books reside there in the living room. All of my sewing books will be in or on these cubes in some way, shape or form. I shall also include places for the cats to sleep because omg we have 5 cats. O.o

More pictures to come once I'm more organized! Squee!!


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