Lapped Zippers: The Best Method I've Found So Far

So I don't know about you, but I'm not great at reading directions versus hands on. I learn much faster by seeing it done. Sometimes the instructions have little pictures, but even they don't do it for me if it's something complicated. And for some reason a lapped zipper is just one of those things that I could not get... Until now.

Enter a vintage zipper from J&P Coats. This thing had instructions, as most zippers do, but they were for a lapped zipper. Honestly, I don't ever look at the instructions on zippers because I know how to install a zipper, more or less. Haha. Anywho, I decided to look at what the little paper told me and was pleasantly surprised. These instructions were easy to understand and the little pictures were helpful!

I tried it twice and was so happy with the results!! I've read that a lot of ladies prefer lapped zippers for the vintage-y feel of them, so I'm glad that I've found a way to do it easily.


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