Cats and Binding

Here I sit, watching Return of the Jedi and contemplating getting another cat. I guess that sentence bears some explanation. My husband is huge into star wars. He was a little kid when the original trilogy came out, so of course they remind him of good times. Those are his comfort movies, as I have my own... such as Labyrinth. Holy crap on a cracker I love that movie.

Anywho, I have a new job now working at home, so when I take my lunch break and come out of my sewing room/home base to get some food, I usually catch up on what's been happening all day with the hubs. Yesterday I kept hearing him run up and down the hallway, so of course I was assuming he was playing hide and seek with little man. It is the cutest thing. So as I emerge from the fortress of sewitude, he was standing at the door with a camera in his hand. Naturally I am curious as to what he saw. Spoiler Alert: it was a cat. A week or two ago we had a black cat walk through the yard, so naturally he took out some canned cat food because he is worse of a 'sucker for a cute face' than I am. The black cat seemed wild; it wanted nothing to do with us. This cat, however, is quite the opposite. She was dying to come in. She was under his car, then under his motorcycle, then on our porch and then she topped it all off with sleeping on my flip flops that I had left outside the door. It was also raining and chilly, so she looked miserable all over. He opened our shed and put food in there and opened the window so she could get out if she wanted to. He has been pleading her case all night. I hate to see a cat that seems like it was abandoned, especially when its about to get cold. So we took her to the vet, got her checked out, and brought her home. No name just yet, but I call her stinky. She's a sweetheart and (Spoiler Alert) Moo hates her. And now that black cat had been coming back around... so we're thinking about trying to trap him and adopt him, too. If you have any spare 'crazy cat lady' stuff you want to unload, send it my way. 3 cats and counting... ((sigh))

BUT, I have been sewing a little bit every day, which is good. I am currently working on a shirt and I really wanted to take my time on this one. I have a book on tailoring that I bought at an estate sale and it has a lot of good tips on making a really nice jacket, but some of the tips apply on everyday sewing projects. I would love to make a really tailored blazer, but I have a lot of UFOs that need to be worked through. I had worked through almost all of them but when we got closer to moving, it was harder to concentrate on sewing, so I would skip steps, forget to press, etc. Once I finish this shirt, I need to start UFO busting before I begin anything new. And speaking of busting, I need to stop keeping every little tiny scrap of fabric when I finish a project. I have every intention of using them, but I never get around to it. Now I have 2 drawers in a dresser full of scraps that I do not need. I am not a quilter and most of these pieces are odd shaped so when I look at them, its hard to get motivated to do anything with them. So anywho, here is the shirt in progress:

This is the best binding I have ever done! I was so excited when it came out good!!

I think its coming along nicely and I hope to finish it in the next couple of days. And I think UFO busting will help keep me focused on the upcoming holidays because I won't be thinking of what to sew next. I am starting a project for Christmas, but I will post on that soon.

P.S.- Fall is BEAUTIFUL up in the hills of Tennessee. I always knew we had a beautiful state, but man...


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