It's Happening!!

Holy crap, we are buying a house!! The posts may be a little sparse until everything calms down. Truthfully, we haven't done all that much, but when I have a spare minute to sew, I get to thinking about the possible house and moving and all that madness and its hard to concentrate. We went to look at the house and it went so well. We got home and made an offer. The realtor said it takes up to 24 hours for the seller to say yes or no or counter our offer, but 7 hours later we got a call saying they accepted! So what we thought would be a sleepless night waiting for an answer turned into a sleepless night of being excited!!

The house looked good, so we're not worried about the inspection or appraisal, but now we have to wait around 2 weeks and it's killing us! haha. I have already picked out my sewing room and I am balls excited to get my stuff all set up. However, this house is so much bigger than our current tiny ass duplex (which is not saying much, our place is tiny) so we will need some furniture. I mainly want some sort of book case or something for my sewing books and maybe to also put some notions on. We'll see. I am still going to attempt to make something this weekend, but i am also going to start going through my odds and ends and begin lightly packing away some things that I don't use often, just to get the ball rolling. We have never bought a house before, so there is a lot to do.

Ahhhhhhhh!!! :-D


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