Resolutions: Part 2

So, as the new year approacheth, I thought I would look back at my New Year's Resolutions and see where I stand. Here were the 3 resolutions I had:

1. Pay down my debt.
Ok, so this one was complicated, but the debt is down by over half, so we're doing good. We had a big chunk paid down, but then we adopted a cat with a complicated intestinal issue, so we had to charge a couple of surgeries and vet visits. That set us back a little, but we're still slightly over half way done paying down the debt. Oddly enough, looking at the progress we've made and looking at my finances in general kind of soothes me. Its not out of control and I can manage it easily. Finances is fun for me. And we are one step closer to buying a house, so that ought to be fun, too. But back to the point, it is half way done and we're still trucking along.

2. Finish a lot of my sewing projects that I started and then lost steam on/ Get my sewing room organized.
Hahahahaha! Yeah, that is a big no. First off, lets address the organization part. We live in a very small duplex. The room that I sew in is tiny and half filled with my husband's things, half filled with mine. Along with that, we have a snake who's cage takes up a good portion of the room along with a ton of my husband's late uncle's stuff, which no one else would take. I kept joking that when we finally moved into a house of our own, it would probably look bare because of our sparse belongings. But now I am thinking we will have enough stuff to fill a modest home with. We also inherited a good amount of furniture from his grandfather, so I do believe we will be all set once we move, which is nice to think about. Honestly, thinking about our home is what gets me through most days here at work. (sigh)

Anywho, on to part two; finishing projects. Yeah, that's not been very good, but I have gone back and finished a few things. Like this shirt, for instance. It had been sitting for months. Boom, finished. But it is very hard to want to pick up something unfinished when I am not organized. I just keep waiting for the day that I have my sewing room all set up and organized. I cannot wait to finally be able to go to a drawer and know that it will have no trouble opening because I have room to spread out some of my stuff. Right now 90% of it is all stuffed into this dresser, and most of the drawers cannot be opened by the strength of man. It takes little more than Hulk strength to open a drawer for a scrap of lace or a paper pattern. Honestly, I will need some furniture once I have a sewing room of my own. I will need somewhere to spread all this crap out. I very much want to make something like this crib fabric holder for the larger scraps, like fabric in 3 yards or more.

3. Lose a little more weight.
I have stayed the same, unfortunately. But really, its not even something I have thought about much. I feel good in the things I wear/make, so there really isn't a need to get down to a certain weight. I do work out most mornings unless Little Man is having a bad morning episode, so I feel better and more in shape. I wouldn't mind if I were a little more toned, but that will come with repeated workouts.

All in all, I think I did decent on my resolutions. Debt is chunked in half, I did finish some things in my to-do sewing pile, and I feel healthier. Most importantly, I am happy. I am usually a very happy person (work doesn't count) and that is all that matters. :)


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