Solar Eclipse Blouse

So in less than a week, we are going to have a total solar eclipse. And where I live will be in the path of totality, which means we will be in total darkness for around 2 minutes and 20 seconds which completely blows my mind. Anywho, my inner sewing nerd wanted to make something for the occasion, because total darkness calls for new clothes. I decided on a sleeveless blouse that I had made before because it's kind of warm here in Tennessee. Meet the winner!

You might remember this from a few months ago.

I loved the fit of this blouse so much and I have had this adorable heart fabric for forever, so the stars aligned (ha!) and this blouse was made!

I bought a snap attacher from Madalynne and used it for the first snap I've ever put on anything. It was fun and I want to make a henley type shirt soon just to use the snap attacher. haha. I have made 2 of these blouses before and I'm sure I will make another. Highly recommend!

Happy eclipsing, all! I am beyond excited!! :-D


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