Hold My Beer While I Try This...

I am not 100% sure what I am doing. That could accurately describe many things in my life, but for the purposes of this blog, it applies to sewing! I am not completely clueless, as I have learned so much in the past couple of months. I guess I should start at the beginning, so to speak. A couple of months ago, I started to read a wonderful blog by a lovely lady named Jillian over at Refashionista.net. This blog restarted my whole outlook on making clothing. I have always been a thrifty shopper, frequenting such local thrift shops as are available in the greater middle Tennessee area, which are not many. But after delving into her blog about re-fashioning thrifted clothing, it gave me an idea or 2. I had a shirt that I had bought at Goodwill for $1 and I wanted to change it up. It was 3 or 4 sizes too big, but I liked the overall look of the shirt and the length, so I attempted to take it in, with the help of my mother's borrowed sewing machine. I nailed it, big time. But from there on out, I was hooked! I have always sewn things by hand, but just small projects. Once I got my hands on my mom's sewing machine, there was no turning back!

So here I sit, early on this Saturday morning, drinking my coffee with my cat. All I can think about is sewing, but my husband is still asleep and I don't want to wake him. The cat keeps us up most of the night, so when one of us gets the opportunity to sleep, the other tries to keep the cat at bay for a while. We love her to death. She's our 19 year old 'child'. She usually walks all over us until one of us wakes up and then she's cool. I wake up early everyday, so I don't mind hanging out with her for a while. But back to the subject at hand; I want to sew. Usually, I wake up to thoughts of shirred sleeves and hemlines. Sometimes, I can't fall asleep at night because I read about something that I want to try. My phone is filled with pictures of things I want to try to make. Its almost as if I am in love with sewing. I am constantly on the hunt for a new fabric or some rockin buttons. It's ridiculous how much time my mind is focused on sewing. So I thought, since the only thing I want to do is sew at 5 in the morning on a Saturday, perhaps I should start a blog. It's much quieter, and hopefully it will help someone who is in a similar situation as myself.

What is my 'situation', you may ask? Well, I work a full time job, so I don't have the luxury of a full day of sewing. I have to plan out what I want to make and when I am able to make it. Although everything I have made is for my own personal wearing, I am venturing into making things for my friends and family. I have recently been charged with the task of making a very cute sweater for one of my best friends! So, Christmas is coming up and as I am always broke, I thought I would make gifts this year. Being broke is also part of my 'situation', as I have a very small sewing budget. I'm trying to knock out a lot of my debt, so theoretically I could have more sewing money, but the adult in me says to be responsible. Bleh. So, I shop the sales like a vulture. A few weeks ago, my wonderful mother and I went to a giant Hancock Fabric sale and I am embarrassed as to how much I spent. But, being the beginner that I am, I did get a lot of basic start up gear like zippers, thread, buttons, etc. I also got a redonkulous amount of remnants. I think that is what I will ask for at Christmas time; remnants. I honestly do not know how I have gone this far in life without sewing more. But now that I have the bug, it's on like Donkey Kong!!

This is Peaches. Doesn't she look good for a 19 year old cat?


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